Become a Coach

Becoming a coach helps people find the freedom to take the reins
As a coach, you’re trained and supported to help people take the reins on independence and life-changing experiences
Coaching Fundamentals
Coaching with RDAV offers a unique opportunity to share your passion for horses with people ready to experience the freedom, movement and development associated with horse riding—all in a community setting with like-minded, passionate people. You’ll access great support and training, all while making a huge difference in the lives of people facing complex challenges.
Coaching System
RDA riding coaches are qualified under the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme. Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria, through Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia, provides training to its volunteers/coaches through an accredited training system in 5 progressive stages:
- Orientation to Coaching (OTC) (Riding and Carriage Driving)
- Level 1 (Riding, Carriage Driving and Vaulting)
- Level 2 (Riding)
- Coach Educator
- Assessor
Getting Started
RDAV recommends that prospective trainees volunteer at a Centre for approximately 6 months before undertaking training. Depending on your level of equestrian and disability industry experience, you’ll do individualised volunteer training, and get familiar with the RDA environment.
- All RDAV Coaches must have a current Working with Children Check.
- If you have a current PCAV or EA qualification you can be recognised for prior learning, please check out the fact sheet in the download area below.
- Your local Centre must endorse your training application.
Any Level 1 or Level 2 Coach can be a Coach Educator to be eligible to undertake coach training, and Coaches are encouraged to regularly update their skills.
Assessors complete additional activities, and are assessed on their competence as an assessor. Please contact your State Association to find out about how you can train to be an Assessor.
RDAA Assessors
- All RDAA Assessors are qualified coaches who’ve trained and been assessed in the assessment process.
- OTC & Level 1 trainees can be assessed by any Level 1 or Level 2 coach who has qualified as an RDAA Assessor.
- Level 2 coaches can be assessed by any Level 2 coach who has qualified as an RDAA Assessor.
Trainee coaches:
- Are assessed against performance criteria (or learning outcomes) outlined in the RDAA Coaching Workbook Standards, benchmarked against industry standards (Pony Club, EA & Horse Industry Code of Practice).
- Work through the RDAA Workbook under the guidance of a Coach Educator.
- Participate in practical & written activities. Demonstrate competences against performance criteria/learning outcomes.
- Experience a range of expertise & coaching styles.
- Are ‘signed off’ by a Coach Educator.