
Joining RDA Warrnambool

Joining the ProgramĀ 

We aim for a fun and safe environment. Groups mainly consist of junior students from the local special development school but we also cater for a small number of individual riders. Mainly concentrate on mounted games and activities, sessions usually are for groups of four riders. Each activity has a stated focus, e.g. a specific equine focus holding the reins, steering, identifying the parts of the horse, or can be focused on hand-eye coordination, movement to music, teamwork and numerical activities. We hire a large indoor arena and meet on a weekly basis during school terms.

  • Lesson Fees: $4
  • Length of lessons: 15 minutes to half an hour
  • Weight restrictions: 80kg
  • Waiting list: no waiting list



RDA Warrnambool is looking for volunteers with a sense of fun and friendliness. Reliability and commitment as we meet every Wednesday during school terms. Ability to participate as a member of a team. Willingness to contribute and offer assistance so that we all enjoy our RDA experience. Preparedness to attend volunteer information days and workshops when applicable and appropriate.


Contact us now to become a volunteer, rider, driver or donor!

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